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In the grand scheme, so few settings can evoke strong reactions and vivid imaginings.

Bloodtears is not a setting. It is a MASTERCLASS in setting, world building and atmospheric composition. It's a world that from page 1 I am IMMEDIATELY ready to dive into face first and see what kills me! And once I come into some better finances, I'll also be picking up your Bloodtears Companion and the Heretic Nun adventure to see what other sort of horrors await my ever curious, dark fantasy loving mind.

Bravo, Basunat! 10/5 stars from me!

Thank you so much for your kind words. I was hoping you would like the setting, but your feedback exceeded my expectations.

What system do you use for your solo games? Are you familiar with Mörk Borg, or do you know how to convert the MB stats to your system? Do you write down your solo games? 

The system I use depends on the game. For Bloodtears it feels most appropriate (at least to me) to use Mörk Borg Solitary Defilement rules. I usually narrate in my head but if inspiration strikes I share the narrative with friends on Discord ^^

Hi! I'm an amateur game designer and this sounds like both an incredible game and amazing material to study/draw inspiration of. Finances are rather tight at present, but I'll gladly trade a review for a Community Copy!

When I published the book I already gave 100 copies for free. But I can send you a copy by email.

Works for me! Thank you!

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The pdf is too large to send by email. Try this link. It should work. Let me know if it did.

Got it! Thank you!

 I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

Hullo! Do you have any excerpts that you can post? Or a video with gameplay examples? I can't find any information on your games on the old internets.

You can check a preview of all my games, this included, in DriveThruRPG.
