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(4 edits)

I have so far read around half of the book and like what I read. Many interesting ideas!

Sadly the formatting confuses me. 

  • I read on a b/w eInk reader and the colored headlines (fore- and backgrounds) are just different shades of grey. Just by looking at the book at my smartphone I became aware of that also some text is collected. Here I consider my b/w display even as advantage, because I got less distracted by the different colours. How about making the chapter subheading different by numbers?
  • About chapters: Could you add links to the chapters in the table of content? And/or chapter bookmarks? I don't know your source. Navigating by going to the table of content and then typing in the side number takes a while.
  • How about making list always with the same symbol (either rounded or squared) and either flat or intended? This looks inconsistent to me and slows my reading because I need time to understand if the change of the layout is for a purpose. Honestly I seldom see one. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my book and for your constructive feedback. I am sorry that the format was confusing for you and I appreciate your suggestions for improvement.

Regarding color and the chapter subtitles, it is definitely something that I can consider for future editions. I will also take into account your recommendation to add links to the chapters in the table of contents and use the same list symbol consistently.

I hope that the second half of the book continues to be to your liking and that you can enjoy the reading experience even more. Thank you again for your feedback and for helping me improve the reading experience of my book.

Hi, I just read chapter 5 and would love to have links to some of the resources at the end. Very concrete I can't find the podcast Solitary Shenanigans and the Solo RPG Geeklist. A search on did not gave me that list.

How are you doing overall? Any news on the rework of the chapter links?

Usually it's easy to find the resources. But you are right, not always, 

Solo RPG Geeklist

About podcasts, that says now Podcast Unavailable

I have to update info with these links:  

The Lone Adventurer

Errant Adventures


I just uploaded the epub version of Solo RPG. Please, tell me if it helps.

Hm … it adds chapter bookmarks, but the order/hierarchy is totally messed up.

This is on my Android with the Pocketbook app and it's the same on my e-reader.

Only those for chapter 1 and 5 looking good. The ones under "Copyright …" are just linking to the table of content.

Half step in the right direction. 🙂

Well, I'm sorry, something is not working. I'll try to fix it. In the meantime, about the color problem... I just uploaded a Black & White version. I hope it at least helps with that problem.

(1 edit)

I'm happy to see you so engaged.🙂

You don't need to rush things for me, I can continue reading with the current version. Better get things done right than fast. Even waiting days for the fixes doesn't matter for me.

I wonder what your source is. Would you tell me? Maybe LaTex, Markdown or AsciiDoc?

Thank you for your feedback. You are right. I have deleted the epub file until I get a good result. I am using LyX and Google Docs. Maybe that's the problem. I hope to solve it soon.

If you try reading the black and white version, I would appreciate it if you could tell me if it has solved the distraction issue. Thank you very much in advance.